Home Jersey Launch

While showing the new t-shirt’s features, the video had to reinforce the connection of the brand with its local fan base in China. Doing so by using key messages that would resonate with the Chinese audience, and by alternating short clips of the club’s players (taken from the international campaign) with the local fans.

✏️ Creating a short video for social media, integrating local assets with the international social media campaign of the Club, designing graphic elements consistent with the brand identity.

Client: FC Bayern Munich

Year: 2022


Location: Shanghai 上海

Type: 2D Animation, Editing

Role: Creative/Art Direction, Design, Animation

无论在慕尼黑还是中国 Whether in Munich or China

我们在世界的每一个角落 We are all over the world

球衣是我们的标志 The jersey is our symbol

支持拜仁,我心红白 Supporting the team with red and white hearts

冠军属于每个你我 Reaching the top, together


Ballhouse | Shanghai Ping Pong Club


The Singularity of a Moment